Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Curmudgeonly Game

Saturday night, sitting in a bar with Sihaya, I spotted a guy – a white guy, mind you, with dreadlocks that went to his waist.  Blond dreadlocks.

Now, some of you might be thinking, “Wow, that guy’s been doing that for a while!”

I’ll admit, that was my first thought, too.  

But then, the curmudgeonly side of me popped out of my chest, screeched eerily, bared tiny metallic teeth, and scurried across the barroom floor.

Keep an eye on the cat.

Anyhow, the curmudgeon that was formerly in me thought of the old Jeff Foxworthy routine…the one that made him famous: “…you might be a redneck.”  

Taking a slightly different tack on it, I amused myself for several minutes with a little game that begins, “If your dreadlocks are blond, you might be a poser.”

“If you’ve ever touched up a temporary tattoo, you might be a poser.”

“Yo, if you be stawtin yo’ sentinces wit’ `yo’, an you a white boyee, you might be a poser.”

If you’ve got any more ideas, I’d love to read ‘em!


Anonymous said...

Why are dreadlocks bad for blonds? It's just hair.

Grace said...

If you say you really dig rap music, yet cannot recite any rap lyrics at all...you might be a poser.

I'm very particular about the rap I listen to, and it is almost encompassed in some other form of music, ie. Gorillaz, Blondie, etc. But I KNOW the words to the parts I like!

We all have our inner crumudgeon.