Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I Seem To Be Poorly Equipped For This.

Looking at the nifty blogs of those who inspired me to begin my own (See: Blogs of Fun and Inspiration, on the right), I find that I am ill equipped.

I have no digital camera.
I have no cats. (I do have a 16 year old, but she's far less likely to pretend to be annoyed if I tease her with a piece of string -- and far more likely to be annoyed. Also, she will not make herself crazy chasing after a laser spot on the carpet.*)

I do tend to have an interesting perspective. Interesting to me, anyway. And since this is my hour (therapy reference), it is all about me.

* On the other hand, I haven't explored all the things she WILL do if I dangle the car keys in front of her.

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