Wednesday, November 02, 2005

1851.85 Per Day, or Bust!

This is thanks to Princess Diaree, who suggested I check out NaNoWriMo.

I'm taking this evening, or more precisely, the next hour, to come up with a subject.

I only need to write 50,000 words before November 30th. That's almost 1852 words per evening.

This will not be Shakespeare. No, this is a project that asks the Zen question, "If an infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of computers for an infinite period of time could come up with all the great works of literature, what could one monkey with one computer produce in just under four weeks?"

I'm aiming low, but I'm gonna have fun doing it.


Erica said...

All right... I'm ready to sign up for it. It's not letting me register (technical probs with the site) but I'll keep trying.

I'm THINKING of cheating by starting with the work I've already done. Would that make me a bad person? I'm still nowhere near the finish line, either way.

And thanks for sharing this - I get very excited about writing events.

princess slea said...

If any of you wants to be part of my novel, just write an entry on your blog about what you would do with your last day alive. You can write how your life would end (sickness, accident, comet or earthquake, whatever). It can be funny, poignant, scary. Make sure you leave a comment on my blog so I know to check your entry. I'll compile and edit for my chapters.
Thanks Kurt, hope this isn't considered fishing for comments. I'm hoping to get some really varied descriptions.
Have you decided on a subject yet?

Anonymous said...

I think I'll pass on signing up for it, but I will eagerly be your cheerleader. Let us know when you pick a topic!

Yoda said... my idea. Talked to my sister last night, and decided on something "historical" a la Jane Austen. Except this will be silly. The working title is "Les Demi-Hectares au Verts", which translates as "Green Acres".

I'm just going to post the whole thing here as it's being written, I think, since it's just for fun.


Erica said...

P.S. Kurt, I meant to say "Good for you!" for doing this before I went off on a tangent about ME ME ME.

So - Good for you! :-)

Sherri said...

I can't think of a topic. I want to do it but I get bogged down on figuring out what to write. HMMMM.......