Sunday, June 04, 2006

Doing My Irony

I wished I’d had a digital camera: this particular bumper sticker was of homemade quality, but there were several on the car’s tail expressing contempt for the Bush Administration.  The one I’m compelled to write about in this instance read: “Overthrow the Facist Bush Regime!”  

The sticker was on a sensible, environmentally-friendly, economy car, and though I’m sure that this is not fair, the image that popped into my head was of a passionately self-righteous, organic-cotton-muumuu-wearing woman in her early fifties who, on seeing video clips of Mr. Bush uncorking a particularly folksy malapropism, shrieks, “See?  See?!?!?!? WE ELECTED AN IDIOT WHO CAN’T EVEN SPEAK THE LANGUAGE!”

As I said, I’m sure it’s not fair, but I’m a writer and I do enjoy my irony.

A footnote: When it occurred to me to look on the Internet for an image of a similar bumper sticker, I turned to Yahoo! and applied the following search phrase:

“facist regime” Bush  

I discovered (to my delight) that there are no less than ten freaking pages of links, and no way to share this with you, my reader, without coming across like a sanctimonious prick.

(Of course, now my blog will be one of those links.)

1 comment:

Erica said...

I've noticed lots of folks who cry "Fascist!" have no idea what that really means, anyway. Big ol' Bush-hatin' bandwagon. :-)