Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yeah, But Two THOUSAND???

A couple days ago, I woke up to find nine hundred e-mails in my in box.


Nine hundred.

There were five or six different subject lines, but each e-mail appeared to come from a separate e-mail address, and each e-mail address appeared to be associated with a fictitious name. Now, I did not open any, because I practice computer prophylaxis (I am careful about virii), but there they were. In my spam box.

When I got home from work, there were another eight hundred and fifty. Same half-dozen subject lines. By the end of the evening, I'd received another three hundred or so.

This is not the first time this has happened. A few weeks ago, I got two thousand e-mails a day for a period of three days. I am grateful for my spam box.

I suspect that the tactic is intended to catch those who will open JUST ONE of the e-mails to see why there are so many. But damn! Two thousand e-mails?

Made my incoming e-mail look like a Monty Python sketch: Spam, spam, spam, spam, e-mail from my dad, and spam. SPAMMITY SPAM, WONDERFUL SPAM!

Bloody Vikings.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Not as delicious as spam-egg-sausage-and-spam.

Hey Kurt - glad to see you are back. And I see you HAVE been back for some time, it's just that I have been off the wires m'self.

Hope you're doing well. Will check in on you more regularly!
