Friday, November 17, 2006


-- I believe that before you see a William Shakespeare play, you should read it all the way through.  Out loud.

-- I believe that it should be against the law to drive while holding a cellular phone to your head.

-- I believe that you can trust God, but that you cannot trust anyone who puts a “Trust God” bumper sticker on their car, at least where driving is concerned.

-- I believe that Truth is larger than both Science and Religion, and that neither Science nor Religion, separately or together, possess all the tools required for enlightenment.  Something else is necessary, but I’m not sure what it is.  If I find out, I’ll let you know.

-- I believe that how you end a relationship is even more important than how you begin it.  

-- I believe that a sense of humor can’t happen without a healthy intellect.  I’d rather meet someone who’s funny than someone who’s smart, because funny is a two-fer.

-- I believe that coffee dates are pointless, because you can’t make an informed decision about your second date in the time it takes to sip down to the foam, even if you order a venti.  A good first date should last at least four and a half hours.

-- I believe that people with shared childhood experiences can love each other more deeply than people who don’t go back that far, and that’s why you should try to find the things you both did as children, even if you didn’t know each other then.  I played the violin.  How about you?

-- I believe that the only thing more humbling than the recognition that your child is smarter than you are is the realization that your child is growing into a strong, compassionate, sensitive, loving adult.

-- I believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman, unless one spouse happens to be of the other gender.  Vive la similitude!

-- I believe that the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America is not unconditional: If you want to own a gun, you need to be a member of an organized militia, which includes the active and reserve military, the Coast Guard, the National Guard, a law enforcement agency, or the police reserve.  If you still want to own a gun, but you don’t want to join one of these organizations, you should still be allowed to keep your gun…in Afghanistan.  Or maybe you can go help put a lid on things in Darfur.  

-- I believe that rights are always attached to responsibilities.  To earn the right, you must live up to the responsibility.

-- I believe that infidelity always has consequences; even if your partner never knows, you do, and if you let yourself off the hook, it’s at the expense of who you were.

-- I believe that mystery is what keeps our minds engaged.  “What you see is what you get” is boring; give me an enigma to explore.  

-- I believe that the deeper one delves into one’s personal Truth, the greater the relevance one’s art will have for humanity.  

-- I believe that shared laughter is an irresistible turn-on.

-- I believe that a person’s past is what makes them who they are, and that their choices today make them what they will be.

-- I believe I’ll have a cup of coffee.

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