Thursday, December 21, 2006

Twelve Ways to Make Christmas Shopping More Pleasant

1. Stop talking on your cell phone and drive.

2. Try to walk in some semblance of a straight line so that people in a hurry can get around you.

3. No, it doesn't matter what direction.

4. Please stop talking on your cell phone and drive.

5. Keep your kids close to you or leave them with a sitter.

6. Put things back where you found them.

7. Stop talking on your damned cell phone and drive your damned car.

8. The holidays are much nicer if you treat everyone with the same respect you demand from them.

9. Trying to talk on two cell phones while driving is one louder than stupid.

10. Freedom To Go To The Head Of The Line is not one of the Rights provided by our Constitution. Please wait like the rest of us.

11. Neither is Freedom To Drive Like A Moron.

12. Hang up your FRIGGING cell phone and PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DRIVING!

Merry Christmas, everyone!