Tuesday, December 05, 2006

HCOD Redux

Last year, I posted about the dreaded HCOD...the Holiday Cutoff Date. As I explained in that post, the HCOD is random date beyond which you and your new love cannot include each other in family Christmas plans. "Anything less than six weeks," I wrote, "and including each other in family plans on the Big Morning are uncomfortable and weird. Everyone will just end up trying to be polite while sitting unshaven, unwashed, and unkempt in their slightly-fuggy PJs, and that’s too much pressure to put on the family."

Begin a new relationship beyond mid-November and you're destined to be a little lonely on Christmas Day.

And then there's the problem of what to give - there's a lot of pressure on the First Christmas Gift Ever. It sets the tone for all the gifts that come after (or don't, as the case may very well be). It's hard enough making a meaningful purchase for someone you know well, but for the person you're still shy about, still uncertain of...those are treacherous waters, my friends.

This year, there is help on the horizon: www.findgift.com. There are so many choices here that finding a gift should be easy! Alas, one must be careful about the message in one's gift.

Some examples:

1. I'm not certain I'll like your family.

2. I want to maintain an air of mystery , or...I embrace your intrinsically selfish nature.

3. I know you're not , and I want you to know that I'm desperately okay with that.
4. Guess what I'm REALLY interested in!

5. I think it's time to redecorate your place in a South Pacific motif.

6. Is it too early to build a vacation home together?

7. No, really, I DO like your smile , but I could like it more...

8. I want to see you naked, but I also think you could stand to lose a little weight.

9. Your housekeeping habits need improvement, but that doesn't mean you should spend less time with ME.

10. Is it time for our blood tests yet?

The Internet can be so helpful!


Meg said...

Oh my.

ramblin' girl said...

Hmmm... don't think any of those will work... maybe you should be the gift guru?