Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Belated Blogiversary

My glasses are not clean.  Dr. Lori would consider this a sin, I know, so I will not tell her and I ask you to, please, keep this a secret between us.  (Actually, Lori would be amused, even as she clicked her tongue at me.  We began our friendship as chat room compatriots, graduated to sailing buddies, then had a standing arrangement to be each other’s New Year’s date if we were both unattached, and now she is my eye doctor.  And for the record, the New Year’s thing lasted less than a year.  But, I digress.)

So I am sitting here with unclean glasses, listening to the iTunes playlist entitled “mix”, but which has become my “writing mix”.  I’d rename it, but that would screw up the convenient alphabetical place it currently occupies.  At the moment, it is playing a very cool tune from the Kill Bill Vol. I soundtrack called “Battle Without Honor or Humanity”.  This tune is so cool that when I play it in the car, I drive like a fighter pilot…the kind of guy Sihaya calls a “multi-zippered sun god”.  The song makes me want to wear leather and walk in slow motion.

Aside: Is anyone else annoyed by the fact that the WB’s Pepper Dennis uses KT Tunstall’s “Black Horse & The Cherry Tree” as a theme song?  Maybe they just play a snippet of it for the commercials, to send the message that this show is supposed to be hip even if it is about a dorky-but-hot chick.  Which means she’s still a dork, even if she is hot.  Seriously, how many variations on the “pie-in-a-pretty-girl’s-face” theme can there be?

Back from aside: I know I’m several weeks late for the traditional Blogiversary Post, as it’s been almost thirteen months since I began this blog.  It began with this promise: “…I am going to document the process of dieting and exercise and self-reclamation here...and intersperse the whole thing with tales of single fatherhood, friendship, volunteerism, career headaches, growing older, girl-watching, dating, and if I'm very lucky...sex.”

How have I done with that?  Have I lived up to my self-imposed obligation?

For starters, you could read everything I’ve written after that first post and not find anything about dieting and exercise.  Sorry…not much of that has been going on here.  

I have, however written about connecting with my daughters.  

I’ve shared my thoughts on simply being friends with a woman.  I confess that I am still mystified at what motivates a woman in the romance department, but these days, I am not complaining.  

There have been a few posts inspired by the volunteer work I’ve done, such as this one on the cost of education, and this one on simply being the PTSA President at my daughter’s school.

I know I said I’d talk about career headaches, but really haven’t had many to speak of.  There was this one, and as an update, I have to say that the guy I flame sprayed is still the same.  After he was disrespectful to B in an e-mail he sent to the entire command, B’s boss suggested that he and I hold him down while B beats some sense into him.  

I’ve talked some about dating, mentioning a brief crush and a number of interesting dates that didn’t lead anywhere.  I’m not dating any more, having been taken off the market.  Last Friday night, Sihaya said that she feels a bit like she’s cheating, that being able to read my blog gives her an unfair advantage in getting to know me.  She has nothing like it to offer in return.  I replied that I can be patient; that I can wait for my knowledge of her to unfold over time.   I like that she has access to thoughts I had before I knew she existed, and that those thoughts make me more attractive to her.  

At some point in that conversation, I made her cry – in a good way – and no, I’m not going to write about what was said.  She returned the favor the next night, but then, she does have an unfair advantage.

This has been a good year – writing here and sharing my thoughts elsewhere has brought me into contact with a number of people I deeply respect and admire, none of whom would ever have been more than phantoms at the barely visible fringes of my awareness otherwise.  I am intensely grateful for such friendships.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Honoured, really. You're a gem.

Erica said...

I second that. I very much look forward to your posts, infrequent as they sometimes are. :-) You have a rare perspective and a wonderful sense of humor.

I read your first post just now, and it's too funny how so many of us start a blog for this-or-that purpose, and wind up discovering something else along the way. And your first commenter was the currently M.I.A. Sherri. Too cool.

I am grateful to have made your virtual acquaintance as well, and I'm glad that Sihaya gets to have this amazing look at who you are. An unfair advantage, possibly, but ultimately beneficial, I'm sure.

Happy (belated) Blogiversary!

ramblin' girl said...

Happy Belated Blogiversary!!

I'm so very glad you started blogging, and will forever be grateful for your friendship, and the chance to meet you, and to get to know the small part of yourself that you share on here!

Thanks for everything! Here's to many more years!

rennratt said...

Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I don't remember how I found you, but I do recall the first post I ever read. You are a good man, an incredible dad, and a great friend to those who know you. After reading about being a former counselor (and the grief of not knowing your friend had been attacked), I knew I'd be back. There should be more men - and more FRIENDS - like you. I had hoped to locate the title/date...I wound up trolling through your archives instead. I spent a good hour there. I'll be back this weekend to read more.

Kara said...

congrats on the anniversary! it's a great read each time I visit. On the music note, when "Hey Mickey" comes on the hidden cheerleader in me comes out and I must sing at the top of my lungs while bouncing around in the car. I imagine I look insane. but it's hella fun =0)