Saturday, October 07, 2006

Kicking and Screaming

Last Sunday morning, Sihaya asked me why I haven’t written anything here in a while.  I told her quite honestly that I didn’t have much to say, and that there wasn’t much time to say anything I did consider worthy of a note here.

For that, I apologize.  One of my blogging friends wrote to me several months ago to say that she hadn’t posted in a long while because she was happy, and mused that her inspiration to write must have come largely from her earlier unhappiness.  I suppose that’s been true of me, too – I wrote from a sense that not writing left me incomplete somehow.

This is not to say that I am suddenly complete and now no longer need the soothing effect that comes from slathering words on a page, it’s just that, well, now that I have someone with whom I can share those thoughts as they occur, I’m not so likely to throw my thoughts out into the void.

For this, I apologize.  I feel as though I haven’t been a terribly good friend.  

On the other hand, the lack of “Where are you?” e-mails seems to indicate that my erstwhile readers have drawn the conclusion that I have wandered off on a happier path, and presumably all wish me well and so haven’t felt a pressing need to send out a search party.  I am not, after all, unaccounted for.

There is another aspect to my silence: my steadfast refusal to finish the last topic I started.  Richard Bach once wrote that he hated writing and that an idea had to drag him kicking and screaming to the page and jam a pencil in his hand before he’d put words on paper, and I know exactly how he feels.

It was a post about old fears and their effects on new relationships, and it remains unfinished, perhaps because the lesson it chronicles is still being processed.  I am deeply grateful for my Sihaya’s patience – and perhaps that is all that needs to be said on the subject.

So, for those of you who wondered – I am still here.  Almost as importantly, I am happy.  I’ll write more soon…I have a couple subjects I feel are worth writing about…but for now, thanks for checking back.


ramblin' girl said...

happy to hear you are ok, and very happy to hear you are happy.

I've missed your words.

Betty said...

Just so you know, I check every day.

Just in case.

Welcome home.

Erica said...

I'm so glad you're back! And so glad you are happy. I knew you had to still be out there somewhere.

Welcome back!
