Friday, October 07, 2005


Ever put too much pressure on yourself?

I’ve been doing that lately. I haven’t written much because I’ve been struggling for clever ideas that would measure up to some of the blogs I’ve been reading, including my own. How dippy is that?

That’s got me to thinking about the lack of progress on my novel. I haven’t written a word for weeks, and the shortcut to the folder where I keep it just sits there on my computer desktop, mocking me.

Having become aware of not having written anything on that front, I’ve cast my self-examining eye about and realized that my writing is not the only part of my life that’s jammed up.

At work, I’ve been given the green light to go ahead with a project I’ve been begging to do for years, and all I’ve done is stare at the pile of reference material on my desk and surreptitiously surf through my favorite blogs.

Freckles really deserves to be pursued. (Or, to be more accurate, I really deserve to pursue Freckles.) I’ve been hemming and hawing about that for more than a month, and why? I seem to have this thing about rejection.

Oh, I know, everyone hates to be rejected, and I should just get over myself. I wish it were that simple.

My former downstairs neighbor has gone back to her husband, and her live-in boyfriend now lives with his high school sweetheart, just around the corner from me. All of this occurred over the summer. Since early August, actually. How does that happen? Was there no depth at all to the way they felt about each other? Maybe they were just nesting, the way puppies and kittens do in the pet store window.

By contrast, I haven’t been in a real relationship in five years. I’ve been willing, but sent away…because the objects of my desire felt they didn’t deserve me. That leaves me wondering about my choices. What does it say about me that the women I am most attracted to consider themselves damaged in some way? Am I trying to remain solitary?

When I go back to the beginning of my paralysis, I find myself standing in the midst of a crumbling marriage, thoroughly clueless about the depth of the impact her infidelity would have on my self-image. By the time all of that was said and done, my ex-wife managed to reject everything about me: my friendship, my skills as a lover, my skills as a parent, my beliefs, my intellect, my humanity. The only things she did not reject were the content of my wallet and my ability to refill it. Twelve years later, I’m still stunned.

Anyone who considers saying, “just get over it” really isn’t being helpful. I know. How does one get over a life-changing event? By rebuilding one’s life, of course.

That’s just what I’m doing, only once in a while I reach a “stuck point”, which is where I am now. I’ve rebuilt nearly everything but my willingness to handle rejection.

Maybe the right answer is just to dive in. Sometimes, courage means doing what needs to be done in spite of the bullets slung your way.

I guess we’ll know on Tuesday morning, when Freckles gets back from her vacation.


karla said...

Go get that Freckles! Poor girl, she won't know what hit her.

daisy said...

how can anyone get over it? please let me know because right now i see no light at the end of the tunnel...ever
he had an affair...i found out about it a year ago...we have tried to work through it...although the affair (with a woman 12 years younger who works at the same company and her husband of 3 years works there too) has been over for 11 months he wants to keep her as a friend...i can't accept does one live with the fact that his friendhsip with her is the most profound relationship he has ever had and when given the choice this weekend he chose his friendship with her over our 22 year relationship and 18 year marriage?
the sad thing is we both still truly love each other
forevermore, life will be just shades of grey

Erica said...

Kurt -
Sometimes we have to kick ourselves in the asses to DO what we really WANT to do, what we live for. Like you, I write outside my blog; that's just an outlet of sorts. I don't know what I'm doing with my writing, but I do LOVE it, and it makes me feel ALIVE when I'm in the flow of it, actually just rolling along, pretty much channeling the story for something else, I don't know what. Sounds crazy but if you write, you get me.

Anyway. I have two small children and a busy job and NO time to write. And so when I find myself with an unforeseen hour when my husband takes the kids out, do I jump right in and get back to work on the story?


I clean the house, or play a video game, or anything BUT work on that story!!!!

I haven't quite figured out what it takes to truly motivate me. Sometimes I have to have a strong urge to write something out before I forget it and then it rolls. But so often, it's easier to say "Meh... I'll do it later."

And someday we'll be dead and there is no later and our loved ones will find our unfinished manuscripts. Morbid but true. I think about all the undone things around my house and it's horrible.

OKAY. A downer of a comment for a rainy Monday (here). I hope you find a positive motivation for continuing all that you love. Perhaps Freckles will turn out to be that inspiration but if not - it's somewhere inside YOU. Just have to dig for it.

Overcaffeinated in Charlotte

Anonymous said...

First of all, it's now Tuesday afternoon...where's the update on what's happened with Freckles?

Secondly, and more important, never forget that moving forward even the smallest step is still MOVING FORWARD. So maybe it's writing a line or a paragraph on your novel (by the way, I'm a great editor!), or writing a 'to do' list for the new project at work, or asking Freckles to dinner on Friday night (just a suggestion)...each one of those things would be a step forward. Not necessarily diving in completely, but still moving towards the ultimate goal(s).

If you don't take the steps to make those goals or dreams into reality, you don't just fail to try.