Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Another Goodbye

I started this out to be an update to a precious post, but as I was looking for a link to a website, I saw the headline: Anne Bancroft has died.

I was six when she earned her Oscar for "The Graduate", but I do remember her from "The Turning Point" and many other films since. She always struck me as tough but deeply caring and funny. When I learned that she was married to Mel Brooks, I said, "That makes sense." She was the perfect counterpoint to Mel's lunacy.

I would like to have known her.

Her passing makes me think about getting older. So many celebrities I thought highly of have passed recently, and it makes me wonder if this is one way life prepares us for the gradual passing of our family and friends. Not that I was ever one to idolize a movie star (except maybe when I was 13 and the star was Carrie Fisher, in that white dress she wore in Star Wars, Episode IV), but these are people we look up to and care about to a degree. We miss them when they're gone.

So, in a way, maybe this is practice for when my friends and I reach our fifties, sixties and if we're lucky, seventies, and the group starts to get a little thin.

I should probably appreciate my friends and family more.


Betty said...

Funny, I've been thinking about Anne Bancroft, too. What's up with that? I didn't know her, only watched her pretend to be somebody else. I smiled when I discovered she was married to Mel Brooks, too...and married to him for a long time.

So, lets hear more about your date...

Yoda said...

Apparently not much to tell!