Saturday, June 11, 2005

Do Re MeMe Fa Sol La Ti Do!

Rambin' Girl, it is an honor to be thought of...most folks hate these things, but I'm choosing to take it like a man.

Here's how it works:Pick 5 of the following questions and then complete the sentences. Then pass it on to 3 more of your blog friends! (No tag backs allowed.)
If I could be a scientist?
If I could be a farmer?
If I could be a musician?
If I could be a doctor?
If I could be a painter?
If I could be a gardener?
If I could be a missionary?
If I could be a chef?
If I could be an architect?
If I could be a linguist?
If I could be a psychologist?
If I could be a librarian?
If I could be an athlete?
If I could be a lawyer?
If I could be an inn-keeper?
If I could be a professor?
If I could be a writer?
If I could be a llama-rider?
If I could be a bonnie pirate?
If I could be an astronaut?
If I could be a world famous blogger?
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world?
If I could be married to any current famous political figure?
Here are my choices:

If I could be a painter...I would present my subjects in stunning detail. The recurring theme through all my works would be illumination and enlightenment and connection. In my paintings, light would play in darkness, in and on water, through glass and trees, across hot concrete. My subjects would be simple moments, visual haiku, capturing an instant that leaves the viewer to imagine what happens next.

If I could be a linguist...naaah, that joke is too easy.

If I could be a professor...I would try to share my sense of wonder with my students, to impart the same desire to question and to learn. I would try to convey the idea that all my students are capable of great things, and help them understand that great and big are not always the same thing.

If I could be a writer...I'd publish a novel that changed someone's life. (I'm working on it.)

If I could be a bonnie pirate...arrr, I'd be known as the scourge of the seven seas, I would. Me mother would be a saint, and me father, a son of a gun. Me Jolly Roger'd strike fear in the hearts of brave men and boys alike! And after I'd had me fill of plunder...I'd retire and live like a king in Patagonia.

If I could be a justice on any one court in the world...I'd be the lunatic fringe on the Supreme Court of the United States. I'd sit on the bench wearing Hunter S. Thompson glasses and a sombrero, and sometimes bring a ventriloquist dummy. I would relish being more than a foot taller than Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and when my opinion differed from hers, I'd say that our height difference was the reason. I'd bring Clarence Thomas a Coke after lunch every day, along with an affidavit certifying the can to be hair-free. My approach to the cases we'd hear would be absolutely dead serious, my questions common sensical. Except when the case is silly. Anyone presenting a frivolous case before the court would be required to answer all my questions in Iambic Pentameter.

I'm going to tag:


Have fun!


ramblin' girl said...

Sorry... I'm not a big fan of them either. Great answers.

Yoda said...

Awww, heck, RG...I know it was all in fun, and it was somewhat of an honor that you thought of me.

You'll always hold a special place in my heart as my first...LOL


Valerie said...
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Valerie said...

I was a pirate once. =)


Yoda said...

Arrrrr, Valerie...that be freakin' hilarious, it be!
