Sunday, June 19, 2005

Why I Love The Internet

This morning, I found myself needing a Latin phrase translated, and I did what any savvy technogeek who failed to go to college and didn't take Latin in high school (yes, it was offered, and it counted as a foregn language credit, but even I was not that much of a dweeb in high school): I went to the Internet.

Yahoo! search keywords: translation Latin

Just below two commercial translation sites, Yahoo! listed a site named "Baby Got Back".

Now, you're probably wondering what possible electronic confusion might lead my two keywords to put a reference to the song by Sir Mixalot near the top of the list of references. I certainly was.

So, I went there. And I have been giggling ever since. It's not just that the song itself is funny, or that the notion that anyone would attempt to translate it into a dead language is completely proposterous, it's that the translator then translates the song back into English for those of us who don't speak Latin. The footnotes are particularly funny.

So here it is:

And as if that's not funny enough...there's a second translation of the same song right here.

Domina mea exstat a tergo!

1 comment:

Sherri said...


That was too funny. It just so happens that someone at work brought up that song just the other have impeccable timing :)