Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A Little Disconcerting

I apologize to those of you who depend on me to give you a little food for thought to dunk in your coffee on Monday mornings, but I've been doing some thinking. My last post garnered a comment from someone who closed by saying "you know me" and I have to admit that I was a bit freaked out. Somehow, in the wide world of the world wide web, this person found my blog and recognized me.

Now, I've never made my identity a secret here, and that was a conscious choice. Having my name on the page keeps me honest, keeps me from adding to the anonymous negativity that's out there. With due respect to the high drama of George Lucas' space opera, for the vast majority of us, that is the Dark Side. Instead of an amendment banning flag burning, we need to add another bullet to the Bill of Rights: "Every person, irrespective of their Right to Free Speech as outlined in Amendment I to this document, shall, in the absence of thoughts of a positive nature, have the right to keep their shit to themselves."

My last post was a rant, no bones about it, and as I wrote it, I knew that I was treading on the bounds of what I might appropriately say...and then I followed it up by sending a link to a friend who recently left the field of education. Not to that particular post, but nonetheless, I'd crossed the Rubicon and let someone I know in on My Secret.

So, I had no right to be surprised when someone left a comment indicating that they knew me. But I was.

Let's face it, I do a lot of things I have no right to do.


Robin Alexa said...

Me too!

Yeah it's a funny thing this blogging...you want to share it and make it interactive but some people just make you feel violated by their presence.

Yoda said...

Naah...I don't feel violated, just a little skeeved. It had me rethinking the anonymity thing, and how I want to go forward.

Then again, I know that when my blog has a larger readership, those people who DO make me feel violated will appear.

I suppose I should get used to it, for when I'm a published author.


Mona said...

I found you on binsk's site, thought I would visit.

I can see how it would take you by surprise. It's much different when it is someone we know.

My guess is that you do have a right to do many of the things that you do, but feeling solid about, no matter what, it is the question. Hopefully, you remember why you choose to do the things you do, and then stand by them for exactly what they are.

No Longer In Crisis said...

A little thought for the afternoon from someone new to your blog:

I like the way you turn a phrase...therefore, I can't believe (as you wrote earlier) you're not getting laid.


Betty said...


I have several folks who read my blog who actually know me. Some leave comments, some don't. As outrageous as my blogs sometimes are...and even my 90 year old aunt sometimes read my blog...I've always tried to live my life as if it were on the front page. I do that by not really caring, or trying not to, about what other think. I am my own judge.

You've done nothing, said nothing, for which to be ashamed. You're a good guy with a good heart, its plain to see from your writing.

Tamara's right. I'm surprised you aren't getting laid, either...on the other hand, I'd be surprised to read about it on your blog, too. :-)

Yoda said...


Wise you are, yes.

I stand by the things I say and write, of course...it's part and parcel of being a gentleman. I like the notion of living one's life as though it's on the front page. I've certainly always tried to be an open book.

You're right, though...I probably wouldn't announce that I was getting laid here. But, I also wouldn't say I wasn't if I was. ;-)

It'll happen. It's worth waiting for, as are all good things.
