Thursday, October 20, 2005

Word Search

A number of my fellow bloggers have posted about the often bizarre and disturbing keywords that have led to their sites, and I thought I’d check it out myself.  After all, it’d have to be entertaining, right?

In the last two days, 46% of you got to my site looking for Kristy Sammis.  She’s got a great blog, and though I haven’t posted any comments there in months, it’s nice to know that I can bask in her reflected glory.  In fact, being a lazy person at heart, it’s extremely nice to know that I can bask in her reflected glory without having to do anything at all. If you’re looking for her, thank you for visiting, stay as long as you like, and you can find her here.

One person got here searching for Alan Funt.  Not him, personally, because he’s dead, but information about him, I’m sure.  I hope.  Anyhow, I did make reference to him in one of my posts…a favorite of mine, partly because of the fact that it will be good fodder for embarrassing my daughter at various public functions, and the rest because it’s mildly amusing in a pass-milk-through-the-nose sort of way.

A couple of folks got here using the keywords “whale watching movie”, and another used the phrase “best time for whale watching in San Diego”.  To those folks, I humbly apologize.  The title of my blog is not (and never was intended to be) an invitation.  It’s more of a statement of what’s possible, and I’m fairly sure that my office mates would not be amused at the sudden influx of tourists seeking rare glimpses of distant cetaceans.  Please note that it’s easier to see the whales from the lookout point at the Cabrillo Monument a mile down the road.  The view of them that exists from my desk is my own, private view, thank you.  It’s mine, and you can’t have it.

I am not entirely sure what led one person to use the search phrase “does a whale’s tongue weigh 4 tone”, and I am a little afraid to google that to find out the answer to the apparent question, if indeed that’s what it is.  The search engine used was Google Australia, which is interesting.  But most interesting is that the person was more literate when they began typing the search phrase than when they finished.  After all, they did use an apostrophe in the word “whale’s” but dropped an “n” in the word “tonne”, which (correct me if I’m wrong) would be the correct way of spelling “ton” if you live Down Under.  (Come to think of it, Aussies speak what is almost an entirely different language.  During my last deployment, a couple of my shipmates met a pair of local ladies, one of whom said, “Be a dear and get the doona out of the boot”, which apparently required a wildly extravagant amount of translation, all of which was unsuccessful until said young lady led my buddy to the car, opened the trunk and pulled out a blanket.)  Anyhow, I have met some positively wonderful Aussies over the years, and I apologize for not having the answer to that particular question anywhere within my blog.  

Finally, I’d like to thank the Universe for again placing the phrase “you need to find a girlfriend” where I could easily stumble across it and feel worse about being romantically unattached.  I’m not sure if it means anything, but when I wrote this post, the phrase “Kurt needs a wife” came up.  Perhaps the Universe is backing off a bit, or holds less hope for me, which is a particularly humbling thought.  Thanks for that.


Sherri said...

Blue Whale
Tongue 3048 kg (3 tonnes)

Just FYI :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, so this may be a really stupid question, but how do you find out what words lead to your site?

Anonymous said...

Interesting...I on the other hand have deduced that I found your blog through the blogs of either Kristi or Ramblin' Girl. Your writing has me hooked.

Yoda said...


As always, you are both lovely and an indispensable source of boundless knowledge.


If you click on my blog's counter, it'll take you to the website and you can add a free counter to your own blog...and you can start looking at this stuff for your own site! I warn you, though: it's addictive.

Kelly, thank you. :-)


Anonymous said...

Kurt, I understood that perfectly!

Melbourne, Australia

Chipper said...

Thanks! (I really do have an addictive personality so thatnks for the heads up!) ;-)

Polz said...

K - In your comment in Betty's blog you mentioned 'trasitional women' and Nora Ephron. Did she write something on the topic? You have piqued my interest on this one..