Thursday, May 19, 2005

I Don't Get The Whole Rubber Wristband Thing

Okay, so I finally snapped myself onto the bandwagon by getting one of those rubber wristbands. You know the ones. You must know the ones, because apparently, I was The Last Person On Earth Not Wearing A Rubber Wristband.

My daughter wears no less than four of the things, none of which is yellow and says "LIVESTRONG".

(If I had a digital camera, here's where I'd insert a picture of her wrist for illustration purposes. Please feel free to use your imagination instead.)

She has a red, white, and blue band that says, "FREEDOM". This makes me think of Mel Gibson's last line in "Braveheart", as he's being disemboweled before a cheering crowd. So I could never wear one of those.

She has a brown-and-green faux camouflage band that says, "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS." I really appreciate the sentiment, but I wore a uniform (that, when you get right down to it, sort of said the same thing in a Much Less Subtle Way) for 23 years, so that particular wristband would feel redundant. So I could never wear one of those.

She has two black ones. Of those two, the one whose meaning I can remember is a backstage pass for Unwritten Law, which strikes me as a "single use" rubber band, but apparently, I am Tragically Unhip. Being Tragically Unhip, I am unqualified to wear Rubber Wristband Backstage Passes of any kind without looking like a poser. Or is that "poseur"? (Don't worry about it. You can't change me.) (Didja get the Unwritten Law lyric reference there? I am such a cool dad.*)

As PTSA President at my daughter's high school, I feel a certain obligation to support student activities on campus, and lately, the ASB has been selling blue wristbands to raise money for Make-a-Wish. I have a soft spot in my rather crusty heart for MAW, since my dad used to be president of the Wyoming chapter, and I had the opportunity to help coordinate a wish about four and a half years ago. (Happily, the boy who got his wish survived his ordeal and is growing up healthy and active.)

I bought a blue wristband. I am wearing it right now. It says, "SHARE THE POWER OF A WISH". It also pulls the hair on my arm, which constantly reminds me that its there. It's distracting. I obviously support the cause, but I don't like the damn wristband. I'm not sure how much longer I'll wear it.

On the other hand, if someone asks me about it...I'll get to tell the story of how I helped turn a six year old into a Marine helicopter pilot for a day.

And then, maybe I'll give THEM the damn wristband.

* Not. So, so not. I am one step away from black socks and sandals. Apparently, everything's my fault. And no, you can't save me.

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