Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I May Never Leave The House Again

So, here I am, wallowing in my pain (though I'm happy to report that the shooting pains in my legs have stopped), and lamenting the fact that Keebler has officially discontinued Cheez-Its, when I realized that:

1) We are out of substantive food

2) I am in no shape to go to the grocery store

3) I have no cash with which to send my daughter to the grocery store in my stead

And then I remembered: The one piece of junk mail I have kept in the last six months is a booklet from Expressly Gourmet, which is a delivery service that will bring you food from any one of no less than fifty-two restaurants in San Diego.

While I am debating about what to order, I see the URL at the bottom of the page...go to the website and...


Finally, a truly useful function for the Internet: bringing me food.

Now, lest you think that you'll be seeing me in a year or two on Oprah, as they cut through a wall to crane me off the couch so that I can get to a doctor's appointment (where they will, no doubt, offer me more ineffectual Vicadin for my sciatica), fear not. I shall not be overindulging.

This, my imaginary friends, is what is known as an emergency. And Expressly Gourmet is my savior.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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