Sunday, May 22, 2005

New Neighbor

My new neighbor has lived here for all of two weeks and is already moving. Now, I could go on about the transience we've come to accept in our society these days, and lament a little about missing my previous neighbors (who were great neighbors, by the way), but that's not the thought that brought me to the computer this morning.

No, what brought me here was the reason she's moving: Her five year old's stomping around on those hardwood floors. Anybody who has ever owned a young child can relate to how much noise they can make...I can't imagine anyone with a five year old choosing to live in an upstairs apartment, for just that reason. She has already driven the couple living downstairs to complain to the landlord.

The couple downstairs are terrific. Friendly, helpful, considerate. Not the "complain to the management" sort.
They probably wouldn't say a word, except that the five year old continues her incessant stomping until nearly 11pm, every night. And really, it's only a problem because the downstairs guy goes to work at 5 am every morning.

And that's why I'm writing this morning. I don't understand why anyone would choose moving over sending their child to bed at a reasonable hour.

Can anyone explain this to me?

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